Works in progress, sketchbooks, making (you can also see ongoing studio work through Instagram @jhmw_studio)
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Postcards for the Oloya&Hope appeal Dear all (with apologies if you have also received this news directly) - I am sending a huge thanks for all who have supoorted the appeal to raise funds for a family's education in Uganda. There are still some paintings and postcards available but we have made £955 of the £1200 target which is wonderful: thank you. ALSO I am inviting you to sign up for a new newsletter 'Studio notes' which will have occasional updates about new work or exhibitions. For those who signed up to my original list, this direct post from my blog to your inbox (which you are reading now) is seemingly going to be discontinued by the server sooner or later, and I don't want the trail to go cold! The new newsletter will hopefully be a reliable way to keep in touch. If you'd like to add your name to the new list, please do so here. Thanks everyone. I'll look forward to being in touch. Joanna
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